The weather is a bit brisk, the sun is setting earlier and well… you can just feel it in the air. Fall is fast approaching. For the decorators out there; this is the time we start gathering ideas and thoughts on how we’re going to showcase or decorate for Halloween! That’s right! For some of us, this is the beginning of all things Fall and Halloween is one of America’s favorite holidays. It has been estimated that Americans will spend approximately $6 billion dollars on Halloween alone making it the second largest commercial holiday. Ok, that’s a lot of dough but it doesn’t mean it has to cost a lot to decorate for this fun filled day. If you’re just starting out, begin with a couple to few items along with some Jack O’lanterns and Voila! – You’re pretty much good to go! Each year I add a couple more items and before I know it – my husband is requesting for me to clear some space in the garage. Yes, according to my husband, I’ve become a “Holiday Decor Pack Rat” (it may be true) but that’s a whole other story! So back to decorating for Halloween. Since it is the change of a season, a lot of things are already happening; the leaves are turning colors, we’re planting fall flowers and for those of us that decorate according to the season; we’re putting away our summer stuff anyway and we need to replace it with something (right?) 🙂
I always enjoy seeing how others dress up their homes for Halloween and below are some great examples. Enjoy!
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