Winter will be here sooner than later, so it is time to begin winterizing your home. Taking the time to winterize your home before the really cold weather hits will make your home more cozy and comfortable. There are a number of ways to protect your home from the effects of cold, snow and ice. However, it takes a bit of planning to do these things, so it is important to start early. Here are five ways you can winterize your home.
Clean Your Gutters
To prevent ice dams and snow from refreezing in your gutters; you have to take the time to clean your gutters. Clean the dirt, leaves and other debris from your gutters. It is best to clean the gutters at the end of fall because all the leaves have fallen.
Install a Programmable Thermostat
During the winter, you will be spending a lot more money to heat your house, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to save energy. For example, you can install a programmable thermostat so that you can program your heat to be lower when you are not at home.
Cover Up Pipes
It is very important to cover up any exposed pipes in your home with an insulating cover. Doing so will prevent the pipes from freezing and backing up water into the house.
Install Window Insulating Kits
Heat is often lost through your windows during the cold months. That’s why it is a good idea to install window insulating kits; they will cover up your windows and prevent cold and wind from coming in. Although they might not look attractive, they will certainly save you money on your heating bill during the winter.
Remove Outside Hoses
It might be easier to leave your hoses attached to the house, but it isn’t a good idea. If you leave your hoses attached to your house, the water in them can freeze and melt, causing water to flow into your house. It is just best to disconnect, drain and store your hoses in your garage.
If you follow these home winterizing tips, not only will your home be warm and comfortable during the winter, it will help protect it as well.
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